DSIP Services Blog


Published on Feb 01, 202410 min read13 comments


As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the patentability of artificial intelligence (AI) software in India is subject to the criteria outlined in the Indian Patents Act. In India, as in many other jurisdictions, the patentability of software, including AI software, is a complex and evolving area.

Here are key considerations related to patenting AI software in India: 1. Technical Effect:

To be eligible for a patent in India, software, including AI software, must demonstrate a "technical effect" or a technical contribution. It means that the invention must have a practical application and solve a technical problem.

2. Exclusions:

Section 3(k) of the Indian Patents Act excludes mathematical methods, business methods, computer programs (as such), and algorithms from patentability. However, if the software or AI-related invention demonstrates a technical effect or solves a technical problem, it may still be eligible for a patent.

3. Specific Applications:

Patents may be granted for specific applications of AI that involve technical innovations. For example, patents related to AI in medical diagnostics, image processing, speech recognition, or control systems may be considered if they meet the patentability criteria.

4. Detailed Description:

A patent application for AI software in India should include a detailed description of the invention, emphasizing its technical aspects and practical applications. It is essential to highlight how the AI software provides a technical solution to a real-world problem.

5. Precedents:

Precedents and decisions by Indian patent offices and the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) play a role in shaping the interpretation of patentability criteria for software and AI-related inventions.

It's important to note that patent laws and guidelines are subject to changes, and there may be developments in case law or legislative updates after my last knowledge update. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a qualified patent attorney or agent who is well-versed in Indian patent law to get the most current and specific advice tailored to your situation.

If you are considering filing a patent application for AI software in India, working with a legal professional experienced in intellectual property law can help navigate the complexities of the patent application process and increase the chances of successful patent grant.


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