DSIP Services Blog


Published on Feb 01, 202410 min read13 comments


Postdating in the context of the Indian Patents Act refers to the practice of filing a patent application with a later priority date than the actual filing date. This is allowed under certain conditions specified in the Act. The priority date is crucial because it determines the novelty and inventive step of an invention, especially in cases where multiple patent applications are filed for similar inventions.

Conditions for Postdating in the Indian Patents Act:

Section 17 of the Indian Patents Act allows an applicant to postdate the filing of the complete specification under the following conditions:

1. Request by the Applicant:

The applicant must make a request for postdating in writing at the time of filing the complete specification.

2. Reasons for Request:

The applicant must provide reasons for the delay in filing the complete specification. Acceptable reasons may include the need for additional experimental results, further research, or other genuine reasons for not being able to complete the specification by the original filing date.

3. No Public Disclosure:

There should be no public disclosure of the invention between the filing date of the provisional specification and the postdated complete specification.

4. Consent of the Controller:

The Controller of Patents must be satisfied with the reasons provided, and the applicant must obtain the Controller's consent for postdating.

Example and Case Study:

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario to illustrate postdating:


XYZ Corporation filed a provisional patent application for a new pharmaceutical composition on January 1, 2023. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, they couldn't complete the detailed specification within the 12-month period.

Postdating Request:

XYZ Corporation, in accordance with Section 17, files a written request for postdating along with reasons for the delay and an explanation of why the public disclosure has been avoided.

Consent from Controller:

The Controller of Patents reviews the request and, if satisfied with the reasons provided, grants consent to postdate the complete specification.

Actual Filing Date vs. Postdated Priority Date:

The original filing date of the provisional specification is January 1, 2023. However, with the postdating, the priority date of the complete specification is considered to be later than the original filing date.

Case Study:


In a real-world scenario, a company might face unexpected challenges in completing a comprehensive specification within the standard 12-month period.

Application of Postdating:

The company applies for postdating, citing specific reasons for the delay, such as the need for additional clinical trial results to support the invention.

Controller's Decision: The Controller reviews the application, ensures there is no public disclosure during the interim period, and grants postdating consent after being convinced of the legitimacy of the reasons provided. Impact:

The postdated priority date allows the company to maintain patent protection, taking into account the later completion of the comprehensive specification.

Postdating provisions are designed to accommodate genuine delays in the patent application process, promoting the balance between protecting inventors' rights and ensuring that the public is adequately informed about the details of patented inventions.


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